Sunday, June 21, 2009

Touch Typing

This photo was taken at the Thika Secondary School for the Blind. I love the quality of the light and the blurred focus on the edges. This is a young man taking notes in chemistry class on his Brailler. Unfortunately, there are not enough Braillers for all of the students so some use a frame device in order to take notes during class.


  1. The teacher would talk and then pause for the students to take notes. It was too hard to talk over the noise of the machines. They cost $600 each. To use the frame device, the student manually punches with a stylist. It is slow and tedious.

  2. Is this person typing that fast,is that why it is blurred? I've seen these machines, just not being used.

  3. He is typing fairly quickly, but the blur is also a function of the fact that I was shooting with available light in a room with no interior lighting. I love the effect of natural light in such situations. I also had the f:stop wide open in order to create a shallow depth of field, thus there is a narrow band of focus.
