The top photo was taken with the new lens that I received for my birthday. It is a Canon 50mm f/1.8 lens for my Canon EOS Rebel XTi.
Because this lens has a lower f-stop available the bokeh is pronounced. Bokeh is derived from a Japanese word meaning blur or haze. The pronounced effect is that the subject of the photo is sharp while the background is out of focus. The effect helps to tell a story.
Compare the two photos above and you will get a better idea of the effect that is produced. I am glad that I added this lense as it allows for photos that were not possible with my kit lens that had an f-stop of 3.5-5.6
Why would you want a photo where your mother is a blur? Make sure that she is in sharp focus!
ReplyDeleteWhat a difference one lens makes. I usually get a blurred effect because someone is running or fast action is happening behind my subject. The camera chooses to focus on many parts, but the most prominant stays in focus. its too accidental or random for me to rely upon it - sometimes its quite an exceptional effect.I would love to have a lens like what you describe.